Director’s Statement
When asked to direct Reckonings, the story of the groundbreaking Luxembourg Agreements, I welcomed the opportunity to investigate not the Holocaust itself, but the aftermath for survivors, the Jewish world and Germany.
Producer’s Statement
The genesis of this film emerged from a desire to “commemorate” the signing of the agreements in Luxembourg in 1952. Saul Kagan z”l one of the original negotiators in Wassenaar said that they should not be “celebrated”, as the reason for the negotiations was the murder and suffering of millions, but they should be “commemorated” due to the fact that these agreements were groundbreaking and revolutionary and this should never be forgotten.

In the aftermath of the Holocaust, secret meetings began to negotiate the incomprehensible – compensation for survivors of the largest mass genocide in history. Survivors were in urgent need, but how could reparations be determined for the unprecedented destruction and suffering of a people? Explore the historical background behind Reckonings.